Five Social Media Trends To Watch in 2021

4 min readJun 17, 2021

As seasons change, so does social media. This year, social media giants have gone behind the scenes, introducing new features and algorithms that have revolutionized how users interact on social media. To stay relevant as a brand, keep your eye on these five groundbreaking social media trends in 2021.

Social media platforms as shopping channels

Today, e-commerce seems to be the prime solution to consumer woes, particularly in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. And as brands learn how to conduct business online, social media platforms have caught on.

Facebook and Instagram have introduced seamless shopping experiences to their apps, enabling users to buy products directly from brands on the platforms. With an average of 81% of users using Instagram to regularly research products and services, it’s no wonder why businesses are taking their e-commerce capabilities to social media.

How to get in on this trend:

Snappy content on the rise

Businesses have roughly 12 seconds to grab a user’s attention on social media. As online attention spans dwindle and more people engage in mindless scrolling through feeds at home, the need for snappy, digestible content is crystal clear.

As a marketer, think about what content will catch the user’s attention and how best to get your message across.

How to get in on this trend:

  • Embrace platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram stories and reels
  • Add interactive elements to your content like quizzes, polls, and videos
  • Make informative content with lots of visuals, like TikTok tutorials or Instagram guides

People-first social media strategy

An engaged online community starts with putting people at the heart of your content marketing. Considering social media algorithms place relevant content to users’ feeds (alongside targeted ads), it’s crucial to meet demand with personalized content.

While several changes are expected to negatively impact how paid advertising is done, customer engagement and organic reach are here to stay.

How to get in on this trend:

  • Diversify your voice, and engage your employees, customers, and influencers in content production
  • Collaborate with people and content creators who connect with your brand
  • Know your audience inside out and deliver content accordingly

Video storytelling

Video storytelling is as popular as ever, with more businesses using the medium to communicate with their niche audience effectively. If anything, 85% of people have expressed a wish to see more videos from brands this year.

The bottom line is, video marketing is a powerful way to promote, entertain, and inform people. Not only that, but video helps brands to rank highly on Google — and nope — you don’t need to dip into your advertising budget to make it happen.

How to get in on this trend:

  • Plan a video marketing strategy. What’s your end goal?
  • Invest in a good camera and editing software
  • Create explainer videos and cross-post on multiple channels (Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

Go live

While it’s no secret that video content is gold, live stream videos are next-level. Indeed, live video has become one of the most popular ways to digest digital content, and the stats prove it. Research has found that 80% of consumers prefer watching a brand’s live video to reading a blog post. What’s more, Facebook live video has reportedly seen six times more engagements compared to non-live videos.

The truth is, audiences thrive on engagement, and live video streaming presents an ideal opportunity for audiences to connect with brands and personality figures.

How to get in on this trend:

  • Have an agenda under your belt — what are your objectives?
  • Ramp up excitement and promote your live stream beforehand on all channels
  • Play with different types of live videos like interviews, webinars, Q&As, and tutorials

As a bonus, consult our more detailed guide on 2021 social media trends here.

There’s no time like the present

The social media industry is constantly evolving, and so should you. There’s no time like the present to go where the momentum is and test, strategize and adapt your social media marketing strategy accordingly. Ultimately, social media users want to be informed, entertained, and connected, so tap into these latest trends and get the ball rolling. Your brand engagement rates will thank you for it.

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